Resources and Training

The Purple Friday shirt initiative, embraced by the NSW Clubs, symbolises our united stand against domestic violence. To support those wearing the shirt, we've provided essential information, links, and contact details, ensuring they feel comfortable and informed when offering a reassuring response to anyone who may approach them for support.

Follow My Lead

Follow My Lead is a resource that speaks from the voices of people with lived experience of domestic, family, and sexualised violence who need professionals and their social networks to be more prepared to respond in ways that upload their dignity and build on safety.

  • "How you respond to me when I share with you, and in the time that follows, matters significantly to me."

We highly suggest viewing the Follow My Lead 4-minute video below before wearing your purple shirt. This video will ensure that all who are wearing the Purple Shirts are educated, more informed, and ready to respond if someone reaches out for support.

1800RESPECT Australia

Anyone affected by domestic, family, or sexual violence can access support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 1800RESPECT services are available to people experiencing violence and abuse, as well as their support networks including family, friends, and front-line workers.

1800RESPECT supports all members of the community who are affected by violence.

Visit 1800RESPECT

The Daisy App

Daisy is an app that provides information about support services in your local area. Daisy was developed by 1800RESPECT and is free to use and download. Daisy includes safety features to help protect the privacy of people using it.

Download Daisy for Android devices
Download Daisy for iOS devices

Support Services

  • Link 2 Home - Urgent Accommodation

    If you urgently need accommodation, call Link 2 Home for information and telephone referral service, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Escabags - Escape Bags

    Escabags distribute Escape Bags to victims fleeing domestic violence and family abuse, each bag contains high-quality essential products.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Club Industry Two-Day Domestic Violence Training Program

Sponsored by Mounties Group

Scheduled for 29th and 30th October 2024

For further information about this event:

Arely Carrion
Executive Manager Community
Mounties Group

Landline: 9822 3555
Mobile: 0458 478 642

Visit Mounties Group

Ongoing the Club Industry will work together to become more informed and updated on how we can best respond to domestic, family, and sexualised violence victims.